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My Services

I provide a range of services to suit all your training and behaviour needs!


Puppy Courses

Pre-puppy support, class, 1-2-1, and hybrid packages available to cater for all your puppy training needs! 

My courses aim to be fun & informative, helping you to understand your puppy, & providing an environment to boost confidence and skills in puppies and their owners!


£18 per 1-hour session

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Adolescent/Young Dog Courses

Class, 1-2-1, and hybrid courses available to cater for all your dog training needs! 

My courses aim to be fun & informative, helping you to understand your dog, & providing an environment to boost confidence and skills in dogs and their owners!


£18 per 1-hour session


1-2-1 Training

1-hour training sessions completely tailored to the needs of you and your dog. These can be held at your home, or out and about depending on what we are working on, as well as over zoom. Please click 'Read More' for more information on what these sessions are suitable for, and what behaviours require a 'Behavioural Consultation'.


1-hour £40


Life Skills Course

Class and 121 courses available. These can either be held at my training venue, at your home, or out and about depending on what we are working on. Helping you understand how your dog views distractions and giving you and your dog the skills to handle situations in every day life! 


£18 per 1-hour session

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Scent Work 

Class and 121 courses available. 

Taught in 3 week blocks of Foundation, Bronze, Silver & Gold progressing through to a weekly club. 

Teaching you how to incorporate this into walks & everyday life. 

Builds togetherness with your dog!


£20 per 1-hour group sessions 

£20 for 30-minute 121


Training Walks 

A one hour solo walk with your dog near to your home where I can also incorporate any training that you are currently working on out and about. 


1-hour walk 


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Confidence Building & Games

A rolling package of 6 x 1-hour sessions covering: 


  • Confidence building

  • Body awareness

  • Fun, informal agility 

  • Scent work 

  • Tricks


£20 per 1-hour session

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Behaviour Consultations

A 1.5-2 hour Behaviour Consultation held either at your home or over Zoom depending on the behaviour problem. 

A Behaviour Questionnaire is sent and completed prior to your assessment to gather information. Vet history is also requested. Your dog must have received a veterinary check-up prior. 


1.5-2 hour Behaviour Consulation £180

Subsequent follow up sessions £50 per 1-hour session

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